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Trademark Registration - Free TM Search for Goods and Services

Well-founded conveniently in Delhi, our well-resourced and internationally reputed law firm is one of the highly reliable and leading IPR law firms of India. Though we offer swift and flawless legal services for registration and protection of all broad categories of industrial and professional intellectual property, here we are mainly concerned with providing rich and exclusive information regarding our services for registration of trademarks and service marks in India and abroad. These services are readily and economically available to Indian and foreign people and entities, which could be engaged in any economic sector. So far, our highly efficient and top-notch legal services for trademarks and other objects of intellectual property have been utilized by numerous people and entities of India and abroad, with excellent service and high satisfaction. Consequently, for trademark registration india, our law firm is certainly one of the right and perfect choice.

Based on the location of your company in India, selected is any zonal trademark office, for carrying out the tm application filing process, irrespective of the occupational field your company is engaged in. Our well-experienced and internationally reputed trademark lawyers are well-versed in supporting adroitly registration of trademarks and service marks falling under all 45 classes of these in India, and under all international trademark treaties and conventions worldwide. Our responsibly punctilious and prestigious law firm of India generously offer free trademark search for your goods and services in various economic fields.

TM Registration Process

The entire procedure for registration of a trademark or service mark in India or under any desired international treaty, essentially covers the tasks of Trademark Creation, Trademark Search, Trademark Application Filing, Official Examination and Verification, and Trademark Prosecution for Registration. Today, the most well-eminent international conventions for registration and protection of trademarks in the world over are the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, European Community Trademark [CTM], and Berne Convention. These all tasks are performed flawlessly and expertly by our brilliant and adept trademark lawyers of international fame.

The application to be filed with any relevant regional trademark registry office of India, for the purpose of obtaining the national-level recognition and protection of any newly created trademark or service marks, is the Form TM-1. Prior to filing of this application, we help our clients comprehensively and expertly in creating unique and scintillating trademarks for their respective businesses. Then, the newly generated trademark is verifying for declaring it entirely different and unique from the trademarks in the filing process and those in the prior art. Meeting the requirements raised by the concerned trademark office is the next service of our dutiful and vibrant trademark lawyer. Lastly, timely and refined prosecution for brisk and the best possible registration of the trademark, is extended by our mellow and innovative trademark lawyer. Services of our firm are highly efficient, and charges of our lawyers are quite reasonable, in order to provide the best possible satisfaction of our Indian and global clients of almost all economic sectors.

Online Trademark Registration Services

Particularly since the promulgation of the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017, our online trademark registration services gained immense popularity amid entrepreneurs and companies located in places all across India. Not only the service for trademark registration, ours all other legal processes or services related with trademarks and service marks have also been hugely popular in India for over a decade.

Our well-resourced and innovative IPR law firm located in Delhi offers the full-range of legal and advisory services for all popular categories of intellectual property, essentially including the trademarks and service marks. As far as the service for trademark registration in India is concerned, our trademark/IPR lawyers perform adeptly all various tasks involved in the entire procedure; namely, the creation of new trademark, trademark search gratis, filing application (with relevant office of trademark registry) for registration, likely trademark opposition, and necessary trademark prosecution for registration. Our other services for trademarks and service marks pertaining to all 45 classes of the Nice classification, are the following

  • Trademark Renewals
  • Trademark Prosecution for all Objectives
  • Trademark Opposition
  • Trademark Watch & Monitoring
  • And, Trademark Infringement Litigation

Apart from Indian registration of trademarks, the international trademark registrations under the following are also proficiently performed by our veteran IPR lawyers --- TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Paris Convention, European Union Trade Mark (EU TM), and the Madrid Protocol of WIPO.