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PCT Filing

Patent registrations under the Patent Cooperation treaty (PCT) of the WIPO, are highly significant international patent registrations, for the purpose of doing well-recognized business in its all member countries. At present, PCT has about 150 countries as parties to this. For extending one's business to any one or all of its member countries, proper patent registration under this globally famous international patent treaty is essential and recommended. Therefore, in ours this webpage, we are offering detailed and very beneficial information about pct filing, especially pct filing in india, and ours pct filing services for companies and firms engaged in various economic fields. Here is could also be mentioned that, services for pct filing are vital part of ours full gamut of legal services for patents in various economic sectors. Ours globally famous IPR law firm of India, is now immensely famous and popular in all across India, and countries of the world over, for a long highly successful and impressive period. Some of our patent attorneys have attained international renown for their ingenious and punctilious services worldwide.

PCT Filing Services in India

In India, ours services regarding pct filing come under two broad categories. These are - filing pct applications of Indian entities active in all pertinent economic fields, and helping all foreign entities in obtaining patent registrations in India under the national phase of the pct filing. Generally, after thirty months from the date of filing a pct application in the Receiving Office, the pct application enters into the national phase. Based in Delhi, ours expert and fully mature patent attorneys delivers all services for patent registrations in all across India, to serve foreign and Indian companies and firms, during this national phase of the pct application. The most common pct filing requirements are complete details about the applicant company and its new invention, authorization letter to the prosecuting attorney, patent specification made strictly as per the rules and regulations of the PCT, application filing and processing fees, documents in connection and support of the invention being filed, list of the targeted countries (parties to PCT) where the applicant desires to establish business, copies of the registration of the invention with diverse national and international patent offices, etc. Here, it must be noted that, making a pct filing is no easy task, and essentially requires scrupulous handling from the beginning to the end of the entire process. All new and original inventions pertaining to various economic fields, and belonging to the categories of both product and process inventions, are expertly tackled by ours well-experienced and veteran patent attorneys.